Disability and Mental Health Support Service
TCL IS A REGISTERED NDIS PROVIDER: provider number 4050016911
We are currently registered to provide the following supports and charge according to the current NDIS Support Catalogue for all supports:
- Assistance with personal activities and personal care; including complex care
- Assistance with daily life tasks in your own home, a group or shared living arrangement
- Participation in community, social and civic activities
- Managing life stages, transitions and supports – Coordination of supports
- Development of daily living and life skills
- Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- Assistance with household tasks
- Plan Management
TCL will assist NDIS participants to strengthen their abilities to organise and implement supports and participate more fully in their community. We can assist you with sourcing support providers, coordinating your supports and resolving points of crisis.
Why choose Tableland Community Link (TCL) to provide your support?
TCL has been operating as a disability support service and implementing/coordinating support for Clients since 1994.
Our staff consistently implement quality strategies to build a Client’s capacity to achieve greater independence.
Effective relationships established with clients and their families to deliver positive outcomes.
Beneficial relationships established with community groups and local businesses to enhance inclusion and participation.
Vast range of skills acquired through experience and continuous training.
We look at all aspects of a person’s environment in order to evaluate the range of issues impacting on their situation.
Receive reasonable and necessary funded supports
The NDIS can pay for supports that are reasonable and necessary. This means they are related to a person’s disability and are required for them to live an ordinary life and achieve their goals.
Assistance from the NDIS is not means tested and has no impact on income support such as the Disability Support Pension and Carers Allowance.
The introduction of the NDIS has meant a huge change for us as a not for profit service provider for over 25 years supporting clients and families in the Tableland region.
What won’t change is that we will remain a not for profit and continue to provide quality disability and mental health support services to our community.
We work within a person-centred framework offering assistance and support required by individuals with a disability and/or mental illness, their families and carers. How clients receive these services and utilise funding is within their control to ensure that their vision for life is achieved. Currently we provide support to 118+ clients, with a combined total of 61,506 hours of support last financial year.
Traditional Support
In -home/accommodation support, Community Support, Community Access and/or In home Respite.
Even if you don’t receive NDIS funding you can contact us for a quote for fee for service support.
Our Commitment to our Clients
Tableland Community Link (TCL) is committed to offering access to services on the basis of eligibility and relative priority, regardless of race, colour, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, physical and intellectual impairment, political convictions and sexual preferences. Client operations work with clients and families to fully utilise their funding. We will assist clients to create and implement their plan; then assist to review and maintain a plan relevant to their needs. Clients are given choice and control of the direction of support, while being mindful that needs, abilities and desires may change over time.
Our methodology is to deliver transparent, innovative, flexible, responsive and personalised planning. This approach is reflected in our policies and procedures and has been proven via our history of full compliance with the Human Services Quality Standards.
Our organisation and staff are committed to comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct NDIS Commission – Conduct and standards assessed under the NDIA Quality & Safeguard Commission.
TCL endorses the principle of the Least Restrictive Alternative. All plans are delivered in line with this principle. We recognise the right of the person to enjoy a lifestyle which is the most supportive and the least restrictive of their freedom. This contrasts with the more restrictive option of allowing people with a disability to become and/or remain dependent on others. The principles of the Least Restrictive Alternative stress that:
special intervention in a person’s life should be limited to the minimum extent required by their disability; and the provision of more services or supervision than is necessary discourages the developing independence of an individual.
TCL upholds the dignity of risk of clients. Neither the physical or social environment should provide any more safeguards or social constraints than are necessary. Employees of TCL have a duty of care to act in a way that does not expose a person to an unreasonable risk of harm. However, employees are not expected to shield a person from every risk of daily living. Taking prudent (i.e. “wisely cautious”) risks encourages a person to develop skills, confidence, judgement and self-esteem.
Specifically, people who use the services of TCL will be provided with the opportunity for:
- establishing valued roles in their community;
- maximising their personal independence and participating in the decisions that affect their lives;
- access to education, training and skill development;
- access to medical care and other therapy;
- access to legal support, where necessary, to safeguard their independence; and
- access to advocacy where requested or required
- As an individual’s skills increase the amount of assistance provided in each area will decrease.
TCL follows the developmental approach.
The developmental model is based on the fact that every person has the potential to develop, learn new skills and benefit from experiences. People develop at their own rate and this continues throughout their lifetime. Human beings have vastly more growth potential than is apparent, realised by most people and often made possible by the roles and expectations placed on them by society.
We understand that:
- the development of learning does not have to occur in definite steps or sequences;
- while the rate of learning is rapid in the early years, development continues throughout life; and
- a person’s full potential cannot be predicted or determined.
People with a disability can show dramatic gains at any time, particularly if up-to-date teaching technologies are used. The developmental model recognises that the capacities and needs of individuals must be assessed and reviewed regularly and efforts must be made to assist each person to develop as fully as possible. TCL ensures that our clients are aware of their rights and are encouraged and assisted to lodge a complaint if they have any concerns regarding their Support or dealings with us.
TCL will work with clients to provide or source any services or information required to ensure that funding and resources are optimised to best suit assessed needs.
TCL promotes independence and autonomy and we assist clients to build informal networks, link with the community, and strengthen skills and capacity to actively participate in life with value and dignity. We are a locally based organisation and will ensure there is one point of contact for clients and their support network in communication with us.
TCL has extensive experience working with clients from varied cultures and backgrounds. Our emphasis is establishing and maintaining strong connections with all our clients and their families built on trust and integrity. We ensure this by open communication. We aim to be sensitive to and gain an understanding and acceptance of beliefs, customs and traditions and their importance in a person’s life.
Providing feedback
TCL is committed to:
- ensuring regular and ongoing input by the Client and their support person or advocate in relation to the quality of their case management and service. This feedback is to be used as a guide to improving service delivery;
- ensuring all employees are encouraged to offer every opportunity to invite feedback from Clients;
- ensuring formal feedback by way of Annual Stakeholders Survey; and
- ensuring all Clients are informed of their right to express dissatisfaction and/or lodge grievances.
Grievances will be dealt with a per our Grievance policy.
If you would like to make a complaint, provide comments or feedback please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to make a complaint, provide comments or feedback about Mission Australia’s NDIS partner services, you can call, email or drop into one of our LAC or ECEI offices.
Or you can send a letter to the following address:
National NDIS Manager
Mission Australia
212 Pirie St,
If you wish to provide feedback to the NDIS, please visit the NDIS Feedback and Complaints page on the NDIS website.
Support for people experiencing crisis
If you feel that your life or the life of someone you know is in danger, call 000.
For immediate crisis support, please call:
13 11 14 www.lifeline.org.au
1300 22 4636 www.beyondblue.org.au
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78 www.mensline.org.au
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800 (24/7 crisis support) www.kidshelp.com.au
For online and telephone-based support for young people and their families:
1800 650 980 www.eheadspace.org.au
So what is the NDIS??
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life.
As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.
The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind that if their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability they will get the support they need.
The NDIS supports people with disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community and employment.
The NDIS helps people with disability to:
Access mainstream services and supports
These are the services available for all Australians from people like doctors or teachers through the health and education systems. It also covers areas like public housing and the justice and aged care systems.
Access community services and supports
These are activities and services available to everyone in a community, such as sports clubs, community groups, libraries or charities.
Maintain informal support arrangements
This is help people get from their family and friends. It is support people don’t pay for and is generally part of most people’s lives.
Want to know if you are eligible for the NDIS??
Contact them 1800 800 110 or the local community partner Mission Australia 1800 860 555 or visit the website: How to Apply